Angela Rose Launches New Flooring Colors

Angela Rose Launches New Flooring Colors

We're absolutely thrilled to announce the addition of two new colors, Austin and Sonoma, to our Angela Rose Collection of Stoneform® flooring. After the love our initial launch with Angela received in February of this year, we couldn't wait to collaborate with her once again.

Angela Rose Launches New Flooring Colors

We're absolutely thrilled to announce the addition of two new colors, Austin and Sonoma, to our Angela Rose Collection of Stoneform® flooring. After the love our initial launch with Angela received in February of this year, we couldn't wait to collaborate with her once again.

Kerry & Brenda with Hewn floor in the color Hender

Hewn Customer Reviews & Transformations

These submissions and reviews are a testament to the diverse ways our Stoneform® flooring enhances homes and spaces. We appreciate our customers for allowing us to be a part of their home.

Hewn Customer Reviews & Transformations

These submissions and reviews are a testament to the diverse ways our Stoneform® flooring enhances homes and spaces. We appreciate our customers for allowing us to be a part of their home.

Hewn flooring acclimating inside unfinished home

Crucial Step of Acclimating Stoneform®

Acclimating Stoneform® flooring is a pivotal step in guaranteeing the success of the flooring. Neglecting this process may lead to complications, potentially causing the flooring to fail over time.

Crucial Step of Acclimating Stoneform®

Acclimating Stoneform® flooring is a pivotal step in guaranteeing the success of the flooring. Neglecting this process may lead to complications, potentially causing the flooring to fail over time.

Two girls walking on Hewn flooring

What Does it Feel Like to Walk on Stoneform®?

Imagine walking on a floor that feels just like hardwood but is more comfortable and convenient. That's Stoneform® for you. It's not just another surface; it's a cozy, crack-free flooring that mimics the warmth of wood without the hassle.

What Does it Feel Like to Walk on Stoneform®?

Imagine walking on a floor that feels just like hardwood but is more comfortable and convenient. That's Stoneform® for you. It's not just another surface; it's a cozy, crack-free flooring that mimics the warmth of wood without the hassle.

Rug on Becki Owens Rustic Stoneform® from Hewn

Best Rugs For Hewn flooring

Angela Rose and Becki Owens each have their own collections of Stoneform®, and they each have their own designer rug collections. Is there a better rug to pair with your Stoneform® than the rugs created by Angela and Becki themselves

Best Rugs For Hewn flooring

Angela Rose and Becki Owens each have their own collections of Stoneform®, and they each have their own designer rug collections. Is there a better rug to pair with your Stoneform® than the rugs created by Angela and Becki themselves

Hewn flooring samples

Is it Important to Order Flooring Samples?

Before making the leap toward completing your space with Stoneform® flooring, there's a crucial step you must take: ordering samples. 

Is it Important to Order Flooring Samples?

Before making the leap toward completing your space with Stoneform® flooring, there's a crucial step you must take: ordering samples.